We received another update about our Pennies for Puppy dog:
“Roxy turned 1 year old on 12/25/16!
Roxy has learned almost everything, and now her NEADS trainer and inmate handler are fine tuning her skills as Roxy matures. Roxy knows how to turn light switches on and off, push automatic accessible door buttons, retrieve dropped objects, retrieve objects off a counter, table or desk, and open refrigerator and other doors. In addition, Roxy has learned how to find a misplaced telephone by the smell of vanilla extract, and tug and hold open a heavy door so a client can go through the doorway.
Roxy and her weekend raisers are visiting museums, grocery stores, sit down restaurants, and traveling on public transportation. These trips help to increase our pup’s socialization, and are an important component in our overall training curriculum.
We hope that you enjoy the attached photos, and thank everyone for their support.
Doreen Sheridan
Supervisor of Foundation Relations”
Check out our past links for more information about Kindness Club and Roxy.