Signs of Spring Project Challenge!

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Welcome to a beautiful day, BASCP families–the perfect day for the great idea Colin has to share! Since the seasons are changing, there are many things to observe outdoors–flowers growing, birds returning, different aspects of nature changing, and eventually buds … Continued

Family Fun: Fort Building!

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Every year one of the biggest jobs that we have at Impatient Turtle Farm is to clear our lawn and garden of all the sticks, leaves and pine needles that have fallen during the winter months. Since we have about … Continued

K-1 Storytelling

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Hello, BASCP friends! I don’t know about the students, but BASCP teachers are certainly missing sharing books and stories with you all. Please enjoy this story with K-1 teacher, Karen!

Plank Tic-Tac-Toe

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Pedometer Challenge, April 1: 13,014 steps. Below is a link for Plank Tic-Tac-Toe, which may be very challenging for some(including me). A few years ago, we had a very competitive Ozone teacher who competed with students to see who could … Continued

Thoughtful Thursday

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As another week at home nears an end, we here at BASCP would like to invite you all to enjoy a “Thoughtful Thursday” with this Jin Shin Jyutsu Finger Exercise. Robin has shared these great resources on a relaxation technique. … Continued

Helena’s Photo Challenge

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Join BASCP in sharing photos and/or videos of you and your family throughout the week! This week’s theme is, “Fresh, New, and Funny.” What’s something fresh, new or funny that happened in your house this week? Is there a new … Continued