Federer Challenge

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Pedometer Challenge, April 7: 15,778 steps. Roger Federer has an activity for our BASCP tennis players. Remember to find a safe place to do this and to wear a cool hat.

Uno! Home Fitness

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Pedometer Challenge, April 6: 19,431 steps. Below is an idea for making your Uno! game much more active. Feel free to change any of the exercises (for example, I would change Blue Burpees to anything other than Burpees).

K-1 Joke Fun: Part 2!

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Another Trivia Tuesday and another joke from Imge, but who is the mystery voice behind the puppet? Comment with your guesses! Did you get the answer from last week’s joke? The joke was: Q: What does one cow say to … Continued


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Hey you! Are you tired of being cooped up? Would you like to face new challenges from computers, friends and teachers alike? Do you have what it takes to become a chess grandmaster? Come join us at chesskid.com! Master chess by … Continued

Signs of Spring Project Challenge!

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Welcome to a beautiful day, BASCP families–the perfect day for the great idea Colin has to share! Since the seasons are changing, there are many things to observe outdoors–flowers growing, birds returning, different aspects of nature changing, and eventually buds … Continued

Family Fun: Fort Building!

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Every year one of the biggest jobs that we have at Impatient Turtle Farm is to clear our lawn and garden of all the sticks, leaves and pine needles that have fallen during the winter months. Since we have about … Continued