Faneuil Hall Field Trip

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Monica, Will, and several Ozone students enjoyed an afternoon in Boston. First, students watched an impressive hip hop dance group (with Will joining in as a very enthusiastic participant). Next, students looked at holiday decorations and the other sights of Faneuil Hall … Continued

Installation Art

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This month, Will and the Ozone students started up two installation art projects — a honeycomb structure inspired by the work of Tara Donovan and a cityscape based on the work of Friedensreich Hundertwasser. Below is what we’ve completed so … Continued

K-1 Mystery Box, Part 2

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Once again, the K-1 Stars have been deeply involved in honing their super sleuth skills with this week’s mystery boxes.  Mystery Box #1, from Tim & Brandon’s Snack Room, contained animal posters warning of the presence of crazy animal hybrids, … Continued

Pennies for Puppies

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This year, Monica and the Caring Club decided to participate in Pennies for Puppies, a service project that raises money to support the training and care of seeing eye dogs. A few months ago, children created penny donation jars to have … Continued

One Mystery Solved

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What’s in the box? The Ozone Indoor Vegetable Farm! Fifth graders, Daniel and Ethan, helped Will build it. Now we wait patiently as Farmers Will, Daniel,and Ethan attempt to grow and harvest some crops for all of us to enjoy for … Continued


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On Thursday, all Ozone students were formally introduced to littleBits. After a brief video, students worked in teams to discover what they could do with these electronics and to create, using the littleBits with art materials, recycled material, and Legos.

K-1 Mystery Box

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This week, the K-1 Stars worked with their snack rooms, asking questions to solve the mysteries within these boxes.  Mystery Box #1, from Tim & Brandon’s snack room, contained a large piece of bark.  Mystery Box #2, from Fran & … Continued