NASA Cooperative STEM Challenges

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Comets students worked together to compete against the clock while building structures that could score points for distance, height, and ability to hold weight. Our young NASA engineers met both success and failure while learning communication and problem solving skills. … Continued

Comets Space Station

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Our young scientists are discovering new worlds this month and a space station popped up in our free play area. Inside the station, students are observing insects and using NASA apps to learn about the universe. We will have a … Continued

Greenhouse Construction

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Last week, I mentioned how students have started to prepare plants for our greenhouse. This may have confused a few of you who have never noticed seeing a greenhouse at Bowen. Don’t worry, you haven’t missed anything because there is … Continued

Cozy Cottage

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Throughout February, Monica and Ozone students constructed a cardboard cottage, so students now have a cozy place to read and relax.

Germination Preparation

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In Will’s K-1 Enrichment Makerspace program, students built a grow tent in preparation for the germination of seeds, which will be transferred into our greenhouse in April.