If you have any questions about the following clubs or would like more information, please contact Will Chamberland ().
Flag Football, Grades 2-5, Free: Consent & Release Form
Children will meet with Bryan and Scott on the upper field on Tuesdays and/or Wednesdays to learn and enjoy the game of football. Registration due April 1st.
Golf Instruction, Grades 2-5, $8 per session: Consent & Release Form
On Tuesday or Wednesdays, children will travel to McGolf, where they’ll improve their golf game at the driving range. Registration due April 9th.
Fabricated Mini Monsters, Grades K-5, Free: Consent & Release Form
On Thursdays, children will learn sewing skills as they create mini-monsters. Registration due April 4th.
“Recreators,” Grades K-5, Free: Consent & Release Form
On Tuesdays and/or Wednesdays, children will travel to different public parks with Joel and Will B. Children may explore nature or enjoy free play in the parks. Registration due April 1st.