Alan on the Run

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Hello BASCP families. I will be looking for ways to inspire students to be active. –Alan Pedometer Challenge In the Ozone, I would compare how many steps I have taken with several of my students. Now the rivalry extends to … Continued

BASCP Farm Moves to Medway

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The BASCP Farm Moves to Medway We are proud to report that all of the seeds that have been planted and successfully germinated at BASCP were safely transported to our Medway nursery. Here we will continue to propagate our crop … Continued

BASCP Update

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Hello BASCP Families,  I hope this email finds you all healthy and beginning to adjust to the current situation. At this time I have been in contact with all of the BASCP staff and all are doing as well as can … Continued

Kentucky Derby

posted in: Events, Sports, Uncategorized | 0

To celebrate the Kentucky Derby, Ozone and the K-1 Stars had their own race. Student spun three times around with their head on their “horses,” and then the dizzy racers ran around the track. Although many students veered off course, … Continued