Sunday Comics Day

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Students in the Ozone celebrated the Sunday Comics section (even though most of our students do not know about Sunday newspapers). They do, however, know about Calvin & Hobbes.

Fun in the Snow

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A handful of brave Ozone students decided to play outside for a few minutes. They enjoyed snow football, fort building, and body sledding until their shivering teacher told them it was time to go inside. 

Ritz Cracker Champion

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In a stunning upset, Roasted Vegetable Ritz Crackers won the championship taste test. These crackers were not initially invited to the tournament and only got to participate because Reduced Fat Ritz Crackers failed to show up to their first round … Continued

Ritz Cracker Tournament Update

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Today was the second semi-final match for our Ritz Cracker Tournament. In a surprising development, Reduced Fat Ritz Crackers did not show up for the match (they were out of stock at Wegmans). Luckily, Roasted Vegetable Ritz Crackers were available to compete, and … Continued