Installation Art

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Tim and a group of first graders and kindergartners walked to the beautiful tree on the upper field and made it more beautiful. When children finished decorating the tree, they admired their work for a few minutes and then cleaned … Continued

Kids vs. Teachers

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Today in the Ozone, we will finally answer the age old question: who is better — kids or teachers? In a competition of brains and brawn, who will prevail — the wise and experienced forth and fifth graders or the … Continued

Fun with Fabric

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In Robin’s enrichment class, Fun with Fabric, children have learned basic sewing and embroidery skills as they created scarfs, bags, and more.

Larz Anderson Auto Museum Field Trip

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Bryan and Will along with several enthusiastic kindergartners and first graders visited the Larz Anderson Auto Museum (no relation to Lars Anderson) in Brookline. During the guided tour, children saw a steam car with two bodies (one for winter and one for … Continued