Roxy News

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We received another update about our Pennies for Puppy dog: “Roxy turned 1 year old on 12/25/16!  Roxy has learned almost everything, and now her NEADS trainer and inmate handler are fine tuning her skills as Roxy matures.  Roxy knows … Continued

Cellu-Clay Day

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Robin and the Comets created cellu-clay (also called paper clay and similar to paper mache) and used it to build sculptures that they later painted.

Cake Decorating

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For completing a challenge earlier in the year, Ozone student got to choose a future activity. The future was last Friday as a lucky group of students decorated cakes.

Camera Obscura

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Comets students are learning about the science of light and the technology of how cameras function on Friday afternoons in January. Last week, kids used their knowledge of ancient cameras to engineer their own functional obscura models. This week, students … Continued