The Mystery Island Mystery

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During Summer Blast Off, student had a mystery to solve. One of the coordinators stole a treasure and sent the entire program to Mystery Island. For more details, read the introduction to the story here. Each coordinator gave a statement with … Continued

Basketball & Ice Cream

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Last night, parents and teachers joined forced to play against students in a friendly game of basketball. After the game, everyone enjoyed ice cream with lots of toppings from Wally’s Wicked Good Ice Cream. For some reason, our student photographers … Continued

Sun Prints

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Robin and the Comets created solar prints last Thursday. They placed objects on top of light sensitive paper, and then expose the paper to the sun.

Ozone Logo

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We decided the Ozone needed a logo, so the 4th and 5th graders had a design competition. Leo, Linden, Julia, and Yonatan collaborated to create the winning design. This week, many students painted the winning logo onto the Ozone wall.

Indoor Picnic

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Rain can’t stop an Ozone picnic. Children enjoyed watermelon and more on our picnic blankets and then played indoor cornhole for the rest of the day.