Helena’s Photo Challenge

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Join BASCP in sharing photos and/or videos of you and your family throughout the week! This week’s theme is, “Fresh, New, and Funny.” What’s something fresh, new or funny that happened in your house this week? Is there a new book, game or recipe you’ve tried this week? Snap a picture of it!The deadline for this week’s submissions is Monday 4/6! Winning photos will be posted to the blog, so check in for the results. Remember our basic photography guidelines, and most of all, have fun!

Basic Photography Guidelines:

  1. If you are photographing a person, you must ask them for their permission. Try: “I’m doing BASCP’s photo challenge, do you mind if I take a picture of you?” If they say no, do not question or bother them. Just move on to your next wonderful idea! Photographers are flexible thinkers who always have a backup plan.
  2. Light is your friend! “With the sun at your back and the camera in hand, your pics will be bright and oh so grand!”
  3. Think about the whole picture, not just the center or the subject. (What does the background look like? Where is the focus of the picture?)
  4. If you get stuck, try photographing one object, but from 3 different angles. Photograph something really close up, or from up high. Try a new setting or filter on your camera. Have fun!