More Fun with Fabric

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Here are some completed projects (and one in process) from Robin’s Fun with Fabric program with second and third graders.    Previous Projects Fun with Fabric Field Trip  

Spa Day

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On Friday, Helen and Ozone students enjoyed Spa Day. As children drank cucumber water, they relaxed with oatmeal facials, cucumber eye treatments, and fingernail painting. Maya enjoyed the cucumber eye treatment so much that she decided to invent cucumber glasses.

Installation Art

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Tim and a group of first graders and kindergartners walked to the beautiful tree on the upper field and made it more beautiful. When children finished decorating the tree, they admired their work for a few minutes and then cleaned … Continued

Kids vs. Teachers

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Today in the Ozone, we will finally answer the age old question: who is better — kids or teachers? In a competition of brains and brawn, who will prevail — the wise and experienced forth and fifth graders or the … Continued