Mayan Masks

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The Comets & Satellites learned about Mayan Masks, and then they created their own masks. We are still researching whether or not Mayans were big fans of glitter.

Medusa Aphrodite Challenge

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When the Ozone had Percy Jackson week a few months ago, one of our students suggested that we have an Aphrodite Challenge, where teams try to create the most beautiful face. We expanded on this idea and created two-faced canvasses … Continued

K-1 Community Activity

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This week’s community activity taught children about perseverance.  We defined the term and the children had the opportunity to practice persevering as a team, in a group setting, and as individuals.  Please check out the outline of our activity components. Community Activity … Continued

K-1 Community Activity

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Today’s community activity was about dealing with feelings of anger.  Students talked about situations that make them angry and then discussed negative ways and positive ways of handling those feelings. Please take a look at the lesson plan and worksheets: … Continued

K-1 Community Activity

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This week’s Community Activity was all about personal space.  We defined personal space, discussed its importance and talked about establishing different boundaries with different people in our lives.  Please take a look at the attached activities for more information. For … Continued

Ozone Farm Update

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It’s been a tough few weeks for the plants in the Ozone Farm as they’ve had to survive transportation to a new home over vacation and then a return trip to the Ozone. Farmers Ethan and Daniel have been persistent caring … Continued

Nashoba Fun!

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It was another successful day at Nashoba Valley. Several of our students passed the test which will allow them to use the chair lift next week.