Sun Prints

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Robin and the Comets created solar prints last Thursday. They placed objects on top of light sensitive paper, and then expose the paper to the sun.

Ozone Logo

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We decided the Ozone needed a logo, so the 4th and 5th graders had a design competition. Leo, Linden, Julia, and Yonatan collaborated to create the winning design. This week, many students painted the winning logo onto the Ozone wall.

Indoor Picnic

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Rain can’t stop an Ozone picnic. Children enjoyed watermelon and more on our picnic blankets and then played indoor cornhole for the rest of the day.

Catapult Competition

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Students worked together to build catapults with supplies purchased at the Ozone store using special Ozone dollars. After the catapults were completed, they competed for best distance and accuracy.

Yarn Trip

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Ozone knitters visited Crystal Lake to help decorate for last weekend’s Hooked on Newton: A Public Fiber Art Project, sponsored by the Newton Festival of the Arts.